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Meet The Team

Kiera Jazwinski

Lizzy Finch

Bethany Jazwinski

I was responsible for directing the actors in the production of the short film, due to my previous acting and directing experience. I also was responsible and took charge with the cinematography and filming and helped with the editing of the short film. I also contributed to the editing of the poster and took the responibility of making all behind the scenes videos and pictures for the makeup  and filming. I  created and edited the video for question 2 of the evaluation. In addition to this I also contributed in maintaing and updating the blog.

I was responsible for the majority of filming and mise en scene when making our short film. I was also in charge of the editing process, creating the special effects and the shell of the film with help from my group. I contributed to the final outcome of our poster in Photoshop due to my previous knowledge of the software. I contributed to, and continuously updated the blog, making sure all the information, links and buttons were correct. I completed evauluation question 4. 

I was responsible for producing the film review as well as developing the poster with the help from the team. Additionally, I contributed to the design and layout of the blog as well as finding most of the research and analysing it. I helped with the editing of the film as well as contributed to much of the filming. I was in charge of directing the make up and special effects before filming. I also completed evaluation question 1 and created the survey and analysis for question 3.  

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