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Re-Editing the Poster

After reviewing our audience survey on our first draft of the poster and after careful analysing of it ourselves we decided we were not hppy with the look of our poster and therefore decided to start over again fresh to create a more gripping, professional looking horror film poster

The first look we went for as you can see from this screenshot was sort of more ghostly, grey themed poster. From the start we decided we wanted to use the monsters face as the central point to the poster as from our film poster research, nearly all of the horror posters had the monster instead of the protagonist (a mistake we made in our old poster). Therefore, we decided to use an image we took from the short film and simply erase most of the monsters face until you could only see the key features of the monsters face - his black eyes and creepy smile. Therefore we wanted to portray the effect that the monster was inside the camera rather than an image of us watching the monster which is why we mde the image more distorted.  We also added a misty effect to the poster to make the monster more ghostly and faded the background to increase the mystery of the poster. Finally we kept a lot of old elements from our old poster that we still like such as the positioning of the cast and credits and dates of release as these are often placed at the top and bottom of film posters and so we wanted to follow the generic code of film posters. 

However, we decided that the first poster did not stick enough with the theme of our short film which is the theme of voyeurism and CCTV. Therefore we decided to change the colour theme of the poster to green,  and as we did in the short film, added a grainy filter to create the effect of the poster looking like a CCTV camera as most are rather grainy and have a green tint to the camera, which is what seperates the CCTV to normal cameras.

We also decided to expeirment with what colours we wanted the font to be. As you can see from this screenshot here we were decided whether the font appeared to stand out and look more effective in white or whether we should stick with the theme of green. However, in the end we decided that the white colour was more effective in emphasising the contrast from the darkness of the monster and grainy CCTV camera. Additionally, we decided to move the line 'From the Director's of 'FIXATION' (our previous short film) away from the title towards the bottom as although we thought the line was important and effective as a marketing stategy that is used in many posters and trailers, we thought it would be better placed at the bottom of the poster to prevent from taking away from the shine of the title of the poster.

For the final touches of our film we decided that we should include a 'tagline'/'slogan' for the poster to attract audiences attention and also help portray and give away a little more about what the film is about to heighten the anticipation. We chose to add the line 'He's always Watching' in bold at the top of the page to fit with the theme of voyeurism in the CCTV and portray the monsters obession with his victims. Additionally, we thought the distorted print of the monsters face should me more central and hence we adjusted the title of the film to make sure no text was covering the image.

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