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The first thing we had to do for this project was to select a brief. We had to decide from 9 different briefs wach which involved a main product, as well as 2 ancillary products, which would all work together to create a final product.


These where the briefs we could choose from:


  • A promotional package for the release of an album, which will include a music promo video

    • Digipak - album cover - front, back 2 to 4 inside pages

    • Digipak advert suitable for a magazine

  • A promotional package for a new film which would include a trailer

    • Film magaine front cover featuring the film

    • Film Poster

  • A selection of materials related to an original childrens TV drama, to incude the title sequence to the TV programme

    • Magazine front cover for the series

    • Radio Advertisement

  • A promotional package for a new soap opera to include a TV trailer

    •  TV listings magazine front cover featuring the new soap

    • Poster ad for the soap

  • An extract from an original documentary TV programme, lasting approximatley five minutes

    • Radio Trailer for the documentary

    • Double page spread from a listings magazine featuring the documentary

    • Newspaper Ad for the documentary

  • A short film in its entirety, lasting approximatley five minutes, which may be live action or animated or a combination of both

    • Radio Trailer for the film

    • Film magazine review page featuring the film

    • Poster for the film

  • An extract/package from a local TV news programme, lasting approximatley five minutes

    • Radio trailer for the programme

    • Short title sequence for the programme

  • An extract from a radio play, lasting aproximatley five minutes

    • Newspaper as for the play

    • Double page listings magazine feature about the play

  • The first four pages from an original regional magazine

    • A radio advertisement for the magazine

    • A billboard advertsement for the magazine


After consideration, we decided to do create a short film using live action over animation. We wanted to create a challege for ourselves and really liked the idea of exploring how we can create a film with a conflict and resolution in the short time of five minutes. A short film would also allow us to meet the need of our key audience, as a large group of them enjoy watching films and would consider it to be a hobby.

We did consider other options before we decided to do the short fim. Doing a music video was very appealing to us as it would allow us to be very creative in what we did, however creating a film would allow us to demonstrate our talents much more clearly. Additionally, our key audience was very interested music which would mean we where targeting them directly. However, with the intorduction of apps such as Spotify, watching music videos, although still popular, has decreased in value over the past few years.

We also considered the idea about creating a documentary, as it is very similar to the short film brief, however is more forgiving with camera techniques and editing. Although this would have been the easier option, we didnt like the idea of sloppy, handheld camera work that comes with filming a documentary. We prefered our work to be quite polished and perfected, and therefore felt the short film would be more suited to us.



Selecting A Brief

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