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The title is in bold black letters in a simple font that is very easy to read.  Although the title isn't the biggest element of text on the poster it is unmissable on the simple white background. It is not intended to be the first thing the reader sees but is definetely meant to draw attention to the article. The name of the film is directly followed by the age rating. This is in the same font and is also in capitals, however, it is in a much smaller font and has been made red. This is so that the audience distinguishes it from the title of the film, but is still aware that it is there. It is vital that this is prominent as if the reader has a younger child and they are looking for films suitable for their child to watch, they have to know whether the film will be acceptable or not and also sometimes the audience does not want to read the whole article just to find out if it would be suitable for a particular age group. These elements are underlined with a line black line to seperate them from the text underneath. This text says a quick sentence used to intice the audience to read on. The sentence is finished with an elipsis to suggest that the article will explain what has been said in more detail.This font is much smaller than the title as it is not as important, however, it is red to differenciate it from the the article and make it stand out a little more from the bulk of the text. It also mentions Sam Raini, the director of the film. This is possible to gain the attention of people who are fans of his work and encourage them to read on.

Anchor 1
Anchor 2

At the very top left corner of the review, is a blue box with the words "new films". The blue box stands out against the white background of the rest of the article, making the audience be instantly drawn to it. Additionally, the text is in a bold white font and is the biggest piece of writing on the whole review, suggesting that it is the thing that is meant to be noticed first. This is so that the audience instantly recognises what this page is about and therefore will know whether they would be interested in reading the article or not. The typeface is quite unusual and is all in lower case letters. This makes the article look more interesting. Next to the bold font is a small white box with text inside, also in white. The white had been used so that it is easy to read on the blue background. The textbox says information about the contents of the film and why they have selected that particular film to review. The fact that it is next to the big title suggests that the information is important, however, it is a very small font which may discourage some readers from engaging in this part of the article. It looks especially small due to the placement next to the large font. Underneath all of this is a red box that has a rating scale. This links to the bottom of the page where the writer has given the film a star rating. The font is once again in white however this time it is in a red box to make the important summary of the review stand out. The overall colour scheme matches that of the film, linking the article and film together. The star rating makes the article a bit more interesting as it seems a little more fun than just a plain review. Additionally, if someone wanted to know whether to watch the film or not but didnt want to read the whole article, this would be a good way to still engage that audience.

Spider-Man 2 Review Analysis

Anchor 3

Click on different sections of each of the film reviews to see an analysis of the different elements.

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