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In these credits, we really like the way they incorperate the old family pictures into the credits as it makes it seem real. Even though the film is based on real events, the audience doesnt truely believe this until we witness the pictures right at the very end.  The images start by coming onto the screen by fading, with a black screen in between to break the images up. Some of the shots have a straight cut and theimages appear to be moved onto the screen so the audience can see them, as if someone is moving the image. Another effect used is the opacity has been lowered and it looks lke a book with turning pages. The pages seem to bbe of newspaper articles, which relate to the plot of the film. It looks like layers of acetate have been used to create the images and the credits which is a very interesting, unique effect.

The colour scheme is simple black and white with a few bits of dull colours from the pictures. The font iranges from white on a black background to black on a white background.

The music is quite eery. It is low sounds with the high pitched windchimes making a brief appearance which forms a contrst against the two.

Overall the credits last approximatley 2 minutes, however we feel this may be a little too long as our film as it will only be five miutes long.


As part of our short film, we have to incorperate end credits into the end of our short film. In order to find the style of credits that would work the best for our short film, we reserched credits from existing short films as well as ones from our genre, horror. Here is what we found and what we will use to base our credits on.

Credits Research

The Conuring

The Conuring

The Exorcist

In these credits, we really like the way they incorperate the old family pictures into the credits as it makes it seem real. Even though the film is based on real events, the audience doesnt truely believe this until we witness the pictures right at the very end.  The images start by coming onto the screen by fading, with a black screen in between to break the images up. Some of the shots have a straight cut and theimages appear to be moved onto the screen so the audience can see them, as if someone is moving the image. Another effect used is the opacity has been lowered and it looks lke a book with turning pages. The pages seem to bbe of newspaper articles, which relate to the plot of the film. It looks like layers of acetate have been used to create the images and the credits which is a very interesting, unique effect.

The colour scheme is simple black and white with a few bits of dull colours from the pictures. The font iranges from white on a black background to black on a white background.

The music is quite eery. It is low sounds with the high pitched windchimes making a brief appearance which forms a contrst against the two.

Overall the credits last approximatley 2 minutes, however we feel this may be a little too long as our film as it will only be five miutes long.


Lasting just short of 4 minutes the credits for the horror film 'The Exorcist' are very simple and effective. The bright red text sits on top of a plain black background. The red in the text infers danger and blood which represents the genre of the film.. The text and the overall appearance of the credits also directly relfects the design used for the title showing consistancy throughout the film.

Starting with the film title, the credits fade on and off slowly accompanied by quite an upbeat composition of music. This is a juxtaposition between the darkness and the red connotations. The credits stay the same thoughout the whole four minutes without any new effect.

As our film is only four minutes long, our credits will be a lot shorter than four minutes, however the simplicity of the credits will be something we consider due to our lack of time for our film.

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