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The opening shot to this short film, we have a mid close up of the character lying down. The lighting is low key and the colours are dull which instantly suggests the dark nature of this film. That character is wearing a dirty shirt and looks quite rugged with stubble around his mouth, suggesting he is unclean and unhygenic. The camera pulls forward as soft, childlike music begins to play. The music is a sharp contrast against the filthy nature of the shot. The character is positioned in the centre of the screen suggesting that he will be the main character. As the camera moves closer into the characters face, he begins to lift his head up and looks worried and concerened, also confused. Maybe because he cant remember what has happened or how he got there. There is diagetic sound off sreen of a siren wailing possibly infering that something bad has happened. All this happens in a long take which lasts about 13 seconds, this is to highlight his confusion and disorientation.


After this, the adience is shown a couple of quick shots, almost like a flashback. The firstis a close up of his face and the camera moves around his face slightly. The character looks quite angry and dirty which makes him appear to be quite dangerous. We then see his hands which, again look dirty, and the camera catches them as they begin to twitch. This is only on for a brief second, however is makes the charcter seem very dangerous. The next quick shot is of the character looking through a car mirror. He looks like he is looking at the camera which makes his eem dangerous, however he is looking at something behind him. His actions suggest that he knows what he is doing is wrong as he is hiding. Also, by only showing his eyes, highlights that threatning nature. 


The next shot is a long shot taken from behind the character. We can see his location in the background so the audience knows where he is heading but not why, creating a sense of mystery. A jump cut is used to show the character advancing towards his location however the cutis very fast and the following shot only lasts long enough for the audience to process what happened. Whilst this is going on, the same nursrey rhyme style music is playing in the background.


The location changes in the next shot however the music stays the same, linking the locations together. The charcter is back in the field, however this time he is stood up, shooting a pretend gun. His stance is very threatening and his clothes reinforce this.


A graphic match of him holding his pretend gun is used to link the field to the next location which is in a diner. The montage sequence continues with carious shots on him in the diner as well as a shot of a scared girl. This helps t emphisise his dangerous nature. Non-diagetic sound of a gun shot is heard, followed by an extreme close up of the charcters eyes. The close up makes him look quite vulnerable which contrasts against the threating way he has been portrayed inthe begining of the film.


The next sound heard is heavy breathing followed by a voiceover. The voice sounds out of breath and defeated. Whilst we hear this, we see a shot of a charcter, however are only shown their back. They are wearing a black hoodied jacket which suggests by stereotypes that the character might be a rebelious yound adult. This is reinforced by the character kicking down a door in the following shot which highlights this negative steroetype.


The next long shot shows the camera being moved back from the door on a dolly, tracking the charcter coming out of the door. He comes out of a dark room into the high key lighting of the street. There is then cuts between close ups of the character and close ups of the charcters hand writing in a different location. The two locations contrast as the writing location in very dark and the charcter close ups are outside where it is very bright. The camera pans around the charater showing his full face looking around. 


Non-diagetic sound is heard of high pitched static as we are shown a shot of a man running. The shot is almost a POV shot of the main character making him seem very threatening. Whlist this is happening, a straight cut is used again to bring the audience back to the loaction with the character writing and the voice over is heard again. This makes it evedent that he is saying what he is writing. Throughtout this scene, jump cuts are used to show how the main character pulls a fake gun and shoots the running man. The weather is rainy and dull and the lighting is low key, which highlights the dark nature of the short film. The main character is shot from a low angle, making him seem very threatening and powerful agaiint the man lying dead on the floor. The camera zooms into the characters face very fast as he shoots his victim again so that the audience can read his expression. He looks to regret shooting the man and the non diagetic, high pitched sound get very loud as the camera continues to zoom in.


A mid-close up is then used to sho the man stood with his dirty shirt. The camera is face on and he appears to be looking directly into the camera, making him seem very threatening. The lighting is low key and the colours are dull, reinforcing this effect. At the same time pathetic fallicy is used to highen the tension and make the charcter even more terrifying. The digetic sound of thunder is heard and in responce the screen cuts to blck twice in time with the claps of thunder.


The audience is then taken back to the field where the man appears to wake up. A close up is used on his face to show his emotions which appear to be confused and worried. We can hear the diagetic sound of his breathing and the lghiting is still low key. The camera pans around his head as he looks around the field, then we see the black screen again and are taken to a different location. The  jumping between locations could suggest his confusion about the events that are taking place. It could also suggest his haste to perform these acts.


Quick shots ar used to take us between locations however the same non-diagetic sound is used in all of them to link them together. The shots are broken up by black screens however the charcter seems to be fluidly moving across all the locations. This continues for a cuple of shots creating a juxtaposition between his calm demeaner in the field and his erratic behavour elsewhere.


Jumps cuts are used when the character is hiding behind the wall to show his mixed emotions. A tracking shot is then used to follow him around the corner and to a street when he threateningly points a gun at a pedestrian. The camera then moves to the fornt so the audience can see his face as he shoots the weapon. The shot changes to a big close up of the charcters face, staring threateningly at the camera. Incomparison to the fast paced editing seen in the rest of the film, this is a reletively long shot, that contrasts againt it. This is done purposefully so that the audience is able to react to how his face changes from angry to triamphant as he process that he has just killed a man. With the same shot, the camera follows the man, all whilst he looks directly into the camera.Whilst tracking him, the camera pulls away to a mid close up and consistanly cuts away to tracking shots of his hand which appears to be carrying a large bag. This creates a sense of mystery as the audience wants to know whats in the bag and encourages the audience to keep watching in hopes that they will find out. There is non-diagetic sound of the high pitch in the background, however there is also quite a deep, low key bass that contrasts against it. This matches the mood of the scene however as it is quite dark and somber.


A striking contrast in the sound is then used which pulls the audience out of the trance they have been in whilst following the main character and brings them to the reality of the issue. All of the non-diagetic sound is gone and instead is replaced by the diagetic sound of footsteps and the police man shouting, followed by his heavy breathing. Th voiceover is then reintroduced in the background. The editing returns to its fast paced nature flicking between the two men running highening the tension of the chase. However, this is traditionally sted up, in this scene, it looks like the scene has been slowed down in editing. This is very effective as it allows the scene to follow a more realistic view and the audience to connect with the caharcters more. As the Character gets into his car, a low angle is used to suggest to the audience that although he is now being chased, he will still end up being the more powerful charcter in the scene.


Analysis of 11 Minutes

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