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Final Touches:  Review

The first thing we changed was the text at the bottom of the page. It previously read Jazwinski Productions, however, we realised that it would say the name of the magazine and not the people who produced it. Therefore we changed it to an existing magazine we found during our research, "Empire Magazine". This just allows the review to make a bit more sense than previously.

Additionally, we added a web address at the bottom of the page to ensure that audiences could find out more about the film on the empire magazine website. Therefore, review film magazines often include their web address in order to allow audiences to find further reviews on films if they enjoyed this one. Additionally, to make the review seem more polished we aligned the text boxes at the bottom of the page so that the review would seem more clean cut as they would in a real magazine.

Additionally we decided to add the writers names in small print at the bottom right of the article as we released after the feedback this was a key element of many film reviews that we had missed out. Therefore, many people in the audience are often interested in who wrote the review as if the writer is someones opinion they value and trust a lot, they are more likely to read and take on board the review and so this is a detail we thought was vital to add in.

After recieving some feedback, we made a couple of small tweeks to the review to make it even better. We feel with these additional elements our work looks much more proffesional and overall provides for a much stronger final ancillary piece.

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