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Here are our initial selection of images we felt would be good on our film poster. We selected these images straight from the film as we thought that would keep everything consistant, thereby creating synergy within our main product and ancillary texts. Therefore, these images would be recognisable when watching the film.

The Pictures

We took this snippit from the film as we believed it could be useful to portray the fact that the film is of the horror genre as the image clearly connotes the narrative convention used in many horror films of omniscient narration. Therefore, the mid shot of the two characters allows the audience to see that Amy is unaware the antagonist is behind her and hence we thought this may be a tense image to use in the poster to portray the horror them and also introduce two of the characters to the audience.

Another image we put into our consideration was a snippit from the end of the film was this image of the antogonist looking creepily into the camera from the end of our short film. We thought this could be effective to use of our poster as horror films generally use the antogonsit of the cover of their poster as essentially it is the monster/antogonist that drives the plot of horror films. Therefore, we thought this image may be a useful insight for the audience for what it actually is in the film that will be provoking the fear and driving the plot.

We thought this could also be an image that would look good on our poster as we can clearly see a close up of the victim who's facial expression appears petrified. We thought this close up could be effective as the audience would be able to clearly see that something terrible is happening to the girl however, they do not know what exactly it is that is scaring her which could make the poster more suspenceful and mysterious, and could be used as a margeting strategy of simply teasing the audiences and making them want to know more rather than giving it all away from the poster. 

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