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For our survey we designed six questions some of which to get to know our audience and others to understand what our audiences want in short films.

Looking at our surveyt results, we found that around 3/4 of the people that took our survey were female, thereforte we concluded that around 75% of the answers would have been from females. Therefore we had to be more careful when building an audience profile.

We then looked asked our audience how old they where, this is so we could find what our key demographic was. Most people who took the survey was people aged 15-24. We felt this was a good age group to have answer our survey as this is the age grup that is most interested in watching films and most interested in the current trends. Therefore having almost 90% of people who answered the survey in this group is beneficial to us.

Our next question aimed to find out what our audience was interested in. The recieved a wide range of answers but here are the ones we feel represent the overall responses we recieved. We got many answers saying they enjoy sports, shopping and reading as recreational activities. One of the most popular responses however was watching films. This made us think that enorder to target our audience, wwe should create a short film as we know this will appeal to our target audience. If the majority of our audience had said more that they like music, they we may have been persuaded to chance our breif to suit our audience. However as watching films came out as the most popular, we chose to stick to this brief.

We then aimed to find out whether our target audience watched short films as they are a little different than feature length films. Thankfully, we found that just under half of our audience did watch short films already. This not only meant that we where targeting the right group of people, but also allowed us to find out more about our target audience.

Whilst doing the survey, we wanted to find out which genre our audience liked the most. Thriller was the most selected with comedy and horror coming in second. For this reason, we decided to work around a thriller/horror film. For a full break down of our genre selection, click the button below.

The final question on our survey asked our audience what would interest them in a short film. The responses where very conclusive with the storyline being the key aspet for much of our target audience. Additionally, some responses we found particularly interesting: "playing on peoples fears", which we feel we will be able to do very well if we choose a specific fear to focus on; "an unexpecting ending" which although may be difficult to pull of as we are following conventional aspects of films and they usuaully have quite a stereotypical ending however we will try to incorperate this; "make you want to watc it again" which is as aspect we would love to work on as this would increase the interest in our film.The ffnal response worth mentioning is one that says "not too much narrative" this is a very interesting comment as it shows that our audience prefers the action rather than narrative. 

Survey Responses


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