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The scene from the film Mama inspired us in our first scene where we are introduced to the 'ghost'/Monster in the lift. We thought the use of the flashing light and the darkness in the scene was very effective in playing on the audiences fear of the dark and also creates suspense as we see the monster slowly come towards the camera. The POV shot in the scene also increases the fear for the audience at it brings the horror home due to the fact the shot appears like they are experiencing it themselves, and this is an effect we really wanted to recreate in our own short film. 


Here are some more clips that were used as inspiration for the final short film from actual feature films. They played an important role in some of the decisions we made as we moved into the planning stage of production.



This scene from the film 'Drive' was one of the main reasons we decided to chose a 'lift' as one of the locations for shooting as we believed it increases the tension of the scene due to the claustrophobic and enclosed feel of the space. We also thought the contrast of the non-diegetic sound and diegetic sound when the action starts was extremely effective in making the end of the scene more shocking and dramatic and so we took this idea for when the lift breaks down in our film.

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