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Creating a Film Title

When creating our film title it was easy for us to decide the sort of colour theme we wanted to stick by. As you can see in this snipit of our experimentation, from the beginning we knew that we wanted the title to be dark and project colours of red and black to symbolise common themes in horror of death and murder, making the film easily identifiable as a horror film.

Additionally, we decided to use a more sophisticated font such as Times New Roman as the characters in the film work in an office and appear to be middle class and so the use of this sophisticated font, compared to more relaxed font such as Comic Sans, portrays the sophistication of the characters in the film. 

Another element of the title we experimented with was the 'rustic' look of the title. From our research of other title's of horror films, we were inspired to create a similiar rustic look to the majority of titles had to make our title fit the stereotypical horror genre. Therefore, to do this we used the eraser tool in Adobe Photoshop to create the a worn-out look and to create a rustic effect. We also thought this could be effective in symbolising the metal of the lift rusting away.

A final touch to our film title was the use of adding a shadow to the text in Adobe Photoshop. We thought this was an excellent final touch in making the film title appear slightly more 'spooky' and thus projecting the atomosphere of a horror film.

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