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As one of our ancillary products, we decided to create a film poster advertising our short film. As we have decided to create a horror/thriller, these are the film posters we decided to look at. We analysed some of them and picked out some key conventions.

This poster has a eery dark, feel with the use of dull colours. The title of the film is in red, which makes it stand out against the dull colours of the background. The poster seems to have been shot in a forest with the trees either side f the main character in the middle and the trees seem tocome to a slant towards the top of the poster making the eye drawn to the central chaacter. The background also seems to have smoke, highlighting that creepy atmosphere. The central character is highlighted by a bluish toned light behing his head, emphising his figure. The slight low angle, makes the character seems more threatening, and also emphisises the weapon in his hand. The slogan of the film has been put at the top of the page. It is quite subtle with a small font in white, however, the capital letters make it stand out just enough. The bottom of the page has a lot of text which describes some of the etails abut the film. The one other bit of text that stands out the most is the release date of the film which, like the title, is in a red font. This draws the attention to this piece of information which is what the audience will be looking for.

In the film poster for The Eye, the immediate thing the audience sees is the central charcter in the middle of the shot. The close up, paired with theilusion that she is behind glass, suggests that she may be trapped or restricted byy soething. This created the effect of something closing in on the centre character. The lines in the poster seem to be get closer around her head and face coming to a point of screen above her head, highlighting the claustrophobia of the character in the image, and keeping the attention on her. The lighting used is very low key and the colours are cold. It appears that the photo has been made black and white, however a blue tint has been added which makes the image seem very chilling. Her hand in the bottom right corner of the image seems to be pressed up against the glass, suggesting her longing to be free. The title is the main textual element in white capital letters and is the largest text on the poster. The next piece of text that catches the audiences attention is the release date, which is in the same color and font as the title, just smaller. At the top of the image is a piece of scientific information that gives the audience an nsight into the plot of the film, which is a unique yet interesting feature. There is also some simple information about the film which although is still in white so that it stands out from the black background, is much more subtle that the other elements of text. The final thing to mention is that below the title is the films slogan, which is in a key place to make sure it is seen.

This film poster is very simple and follows a black and white colour scheme. The walls look old and worn as if decaying. The darkest colors are around the top and bottom of the image whilst the lightest colour is around the centre of the walls making the characters stand out. The two chacters are central in the image so that the attention is drawn to them. The simplicity of this image is what makes it so effective as we are introduced to the charcters, in particular the doll, Annabelle, who is looking directly at the audiece. This makes the poster seem extremely creepy and hence the audience uneasy. The title of the film is in large, bright white letters in capitals making them stand out against the dark background. At the very top is a single sentence in white lettering giving some small information about the film which may encourage people to watch the film. At the bottom of the poster in more information about the film with "Coming Soon" - the most prominant of all the text. This is in place of a release date so the audience knows to watch out for that information. The location of the shot seems to be in an old abandoned building/room ceating the illusion of isolation, especially because the characters are situated right in the corner. 

In this poster, the designer played on the idea of light and dark and how they contrast against each other. The first third of the poster is completely black suggesting that the figure we can't see is dangerous as black often connotates negativity. On the right of the poster, the little girl is basked in white light, suggeting her innocence. This is renforced by her blond hair and big eyes. Although the high key lighting on the childs face makes in seem like she is the main character, her position slightly off centre suggests that the other character is more important and powerful. The centre character is in dull colours and low key lighting which makes her seem like the scarier character that is to be feared. The text is in white capitals and the title is about 3/4 of the way down the poster with the movies' slogan in the centre. At the top of the poster is some information about who created the film which may encourage audiences to go and watch it. Additionally, at the bottom of the poster is the release date of the film which is key information for the audience. Apart from this, there is very little text on this film poster which keeps the focus on the image. Overall, this is a very simplistic image which introduces the charaters withut revealing the plot too much.

With this Poster, the eye is immediately drawn to the face at the top of the image. It is the only light element in the poster and takes up about half of the poster. The face looks particularly scary as the eyes are very big and bright and the person looks to be screaming, however, the audience can't be sure of this as the image fades to back at the bottom half of the poster which adds mystery to the poster. The big close up used make the character appear to be trapped with no escape.  The lighting is very low key and the colours are dull and the only pop of color in the image is the title, a bold red font which stands out against the black background. Beneath this, the information of the film is a white, all capital font. The release date of the film is a bold white font at the bottom of the poster where it is easiy visable for the audience to find. At the very top of the poster is information about the directer which may influences the audiences decision to watch the film due to seeing films they liked previously from the same director and hence this could be used as a marketing strategy by the editors.

haunting conneticut

Film Poster Research

Friday the 13th

The Eye

The Conjuring



Additional Film Posters

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