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Story Board

Here is an uncut version of us making a storyboard for our short film where we all contributed creatively to creating the story of the film and how we visually wanted it to look. We knew it was extemely important to create a storyboard for a film before the production and exhibition stages, as planning our short film and drawing out each scene shot by shot was an excellent guideline when we were filming (so we knew what angles and shots to film without missing anything out). Additionally, creating a storyboard helped us when editing the film as we could follow the storyboard when editing to make it easier for us to see which shots go next to each other. We didn't follow the storyboard exactly as planned as some of the shots we thought of proved too difficult to film in the conditions we had and also didn't make the film run as smoothly, however, the storyboard was definitely extremely useful for helping us gather our vision on paper of how the final film will look.

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