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In this CCTV footage there is a young woman acting very strange. We can clearly see that she is pressing some buttons and acting in an odd way going in and out the elevator. She can also be seen looking around and hiding as if someone is there. The CCTV is place in the top left corner of the lift in this particular video. Therefore the viewer can see everything in the elevator as well as right outside when the doors are open. Although the image is quite blured, we can clearly see what is going on. The image also seems to have a slight green tint.

In this clip of CCTV footage a woman gets into the lift and then goes to another floor  where a young man gets in the elevator. They then start to kiss when the doors are closed and the elevator is moving. Then the lift stops and they get out just after the male looks directly at the CCTV camera.

In this footage the camera is placed at the top right and less of the elevator is visable compared to the first CCTV footage. This footage looks to be in back and white. 

This CCTV footage is quite sinister as we see someone clearly being attacked before the male attacker gets into an elevator and seems distressed throwing his arms around. He then gets out the lift and runs off. 

We see all this happening from the high angles of CCTV footage throughout the building. In the elevator the CCTV seems to be placed at the right of the lift with both inside and outside of the lift being visable when the doors are open.

Elisa Lam CCTV Footage

CCTV Footage Research

Daniel Matsunaga CCTV Scandal

Simon Gitlany CCTV Footage


As you can see from these images of these real CCTV footages, the high angle shot of CCTV is very effective in making whoever is in the lift appear a lot smaller and therefore more fragile and vulnerable, which we thought would be effective to use in our short film to make our victim appear weaker and more innocent compared to the ghost/moster, encouraging the audience to sympathise with her more. Additionally, the high angle of the CCTV allows us to see more or less the entirity of the surroundings or the lift which is another reason why we wanted to use CCTV in the lift scene as it enables the audience to see just how cramped, isolated and claustrophobic the envirment looks and feels. Therefore, this setting made it effective for us to play on the audiences fear of entrapment in our short horror film.

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