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The first lift we looked at was one in the science block in college. We didnt like this elevator as we felt it was too open and didnt reflect what an elevator in an office block would look like. It would be very difficult to film in this location as the windows make it hard to hide camera equiptment. Additionally, to operate this lift, someone would have to stand there and hold down the up/down button, which again would be hard when trying to shoot. 

The second lift we looked at was in the media department. This lift didnt move however we could go inside it at the bottom level. 

Here are a couple of high angle shots we captured which we feel will look effective in our film. We can capture the character waiting for the lift, or when he exits the lift. This is a n ice big space which would allow us to use different types of equiptment such as a dolly or crane if we needed to.

These are the buttons on both floors of the lift. We knew that we wanted to flm some shots of our characters pressing the buttons, therefore we took a few pictures to see how they would look. It is very simple which we like and we feel we could get some good shots using this as a prop. Also, the walls ar clear, making editing afterwards very easy if we wanted to chabge the colour or the lighting.

We got a couple of pictures of the outside of the lift upstairs as these shots will appear quite a bit in our short film We particularly like the Danger sign on the left of the lift as we feel we could use this to our advantage. The white wall surrounding the lft will make it very easy to edit and makes the lift look isolated which is a good effect for our horror film.

Finally, we looked at the lift in the English department. This lift had two floors and we could acess it easily going up and down.

These pictures are from outside the lift downstairs. What we particularly like about this lift is the electic numbers on the button. This would be interesting to film the numbers going up/down as the lift moves. Also, upon entering this lift, there is a woman who tells you when the doors are closing and if the lift is going up/down.This is quite a spooky effect and we feel we could use this to our advantage when filming.

This is what the outside of the lift looked like in english on the bottom floor. Again, it looks very isolated surrounded by the white walls and the button makes it really interesting as one of them is not in use. We could definatly use this in our film as it would tie in well with the story line. The problem with this location is that it is surrounded by windows, making it very bright. We wanted our film to focus on low key lighting and be set at night. This would be very difficult, especially as we may ave to film during the day and edit the footage in after effects. The high key lighting would create too much light for the editing to look realistic.

We then stood outside the lift and captured some images of the inside. The lift has a mirror that faces you as soon as the lift opens. This may make it difficult to film and do the ffects we were hoping to do. The lift closes slowl rom the right, however we can edit the speed to match how we need it as we see fit in editing. Lizzy stood inside the lift so we could capture how it would look filming someone once they were insdie. The effect of this is quite goo and she looks isolated an alone. The doors closing create quite an eery effect especially because she is trapped in the corner. Beth then stood in the lift with Lizzy behind her and we attempted to recreate one of the scenes from our film, to see if the mirror would prevent us from doing this. It worked quite well and we got a rough idea of the angles we would need to stand at in order to pull off some of the filming that we are hoping to do.

Here are some shots of the elevator doors. We took a picture of the doors fully shut as we wanted to film some parts from our characters point of view and this is what he would see. The close proximity of the doors create the effect of isolation and beeing  trapped. We also got a shot of the doors closing which again highlight this idea thatonce the character is in the lift, there is no escape. The doors also look very dark in contrast to the bright outside making it seem even more eery.

Inside the lift, we got shots of the lights to see how we could use them in our film as well as a shot of the corner of the lift. This is where we want to film our cctv footage from. The lift is quite spacious and we feel we will have a sufficient enough space to film in.

Finally we took some pictures of the electrical aspects of the lift which we feel would be very interesting to film as the numbers change. We also really like the colours of the red on the balck and feel this looks quite spooky. The red is almost a representation of blood.

Elevator 1 (Science)


Elevator 2 (Media)

Elevator 3 (English)

To get some initial ideas as to where we wanted to film we did a recce around college to look at different elevstors and see where would be more successful to shoot.

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