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We used the information from our survey to create some audience profiles in order to find our key demographic.

Audience Profile

Female, 15-24

Male, 46+

Female, 15-24

Female, 15-24

Female, 15-24

Male, 15-24

Female, 15-24

Male, 15-24

We decided that our audience profile fit the image of female's who were aged 15-24 as this was the audience who most enjoyed watching not only contempary short films but also we found from the survey that their favourite film genre was horror's and thrillers which we were pleased about as this is the genre we wanted to choose. Additionally, we learned from our audience profile that the majority of people wanted a gripping and exciting storyline and this is what they look for in a film and so we knew we had to really focus of the story of our film to attract a wide audience and make the film more successful.

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