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Here a a brief timeline of the make up we did on our actor, Alex, who was the "ghost" in our film. We put this on snapchat to show peole the development of the make up over time wich we feel is very effective as it intreeges our target audience. This would encourage them to watch our film as it is a sneak peak behing the scenes. 

We began by tusing masking tape, liquid latex and tissue to mask his nose, create texture and provide a base that we could later cut into to for the smile. This step took the longest as we had to build this up layers, which meant we had to wait for the latex to dry between each layer.

Here we are continuing to build up the layers, however, this time we are creating texture using the tissue. This just makes the whole look appear scarier and in many of the reference images, the skin on the antagonist looked rough and imperfect.

After waiting for the layers of latex to dry, we then went in with a high coverage foundation and covered the entire face and tissue with this. This allowed us to blend the roughened skin with the rest of the face and to create a skin like colour.

We the started on the eye make up. We applied a base of black creme paint all over the eyelids and under the eyes as well. This made his eyes look sucken in. This base was also really useful when applying powdered products over the top.

Here we have deepened the black around his eyes by using black eyeshadow. We also started to work on his outfit by cutting  and rippng it, as well as adding "dirt" (black and brown eyeshadow) and blood. This would give his overall characer a scary appearance.

Next, we created his smile by cutting into the latexand filling the gap with blak creme paint then black eyeshadow. We also began by adding scratches to his neck and collar bone using eyeshadows. This makes his character seem crazed. 

Finally, we added the finishing touches of blood to the mouth and scrathes as it gave the over all look more dimention. We also ruffled his hair up and made his shirt look more dirty.After two hours, we finally created a look we where happy with and we felt was ood enough to film.

Before we did the make-up on our actor, we practised a few of the cuts and scratches on ourselves first. to dothis we used eyeshadow to create brushing around the cut, leaving the inside blank. We then used red and black eye shadow to mimik blood, and used a red shadow to make it seem irritated. We finished it by using fake blood along the scratch itself which we mixed with a black pigment to icrease the intensity of the blood an make it look more realistic.

After researching the make up we wanted, nd getting down a couple of sketches, we decided to create a creepy smile and deep-set dark eyes, pared with scratches over the face and neck. We originally asked Sophie, a friend ofours to do the make up as we knew she was very good at it and could create something very scary, however she was unable to get to us when we needed her for filming and due to other complications, we couldnt quite get her to do the make-up. Unfortunatly, there was noone else who could do the make-up for us so we had to do it ourselves. Sophie gave us some tips and we watched many intrnet vdeos as well as reading up the best best materials and techniques to use. A ew of us had done some simple effects make-up before so we decided to give it a go. This would also allow us to do it to our specific specification without having outside influence on how we wanted the final make-up to look.

Make Up


Progression of the Make Up

Additional Make Up Shots

The Final Look

Here is a behind the scenes video showing the process of us doing Alex's makeup to create the look of our monster character

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