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We started by researching what why films have the ratings they do by looking on the 'BBFC' website. We took some screenshots of each film rating to help us when deciding what rating our film should be.

We looked at other horror film ratings such as 'Mama', 'The Conjuring', 'Sinister' and 'The Exorcist'. All of these films include something supernatural and scary which is what we are loking to include in our film. The majority of these film ratings are a 15 which we think this is because of the threat and horror in the films. There is also a lot of violence and some bad language which could be deemed inappropriate for younger viewers. 'The Exorcist', however, has a rating of 18 due to the strong sexual references and gore in the film. This is too much for our film as we dont want to focus too much on the killing but rather the suspense.


We decided our film rating should be a '15' because of the use of threat and violence. We don't dwell on  the gore or horror in our film but we do feature blood and infer violence as well as some shocking parts (especially at the end of our film) that would be inappropriate for audiences under the age of 15.







Target Audience

Age Ratings

Existing Products


We have looked at four existing horror films to find out why each one gets the age rating that it does. To do this we have looked at what the BBFC has said about each one. For two of the films, we were unable to find the official BBFC analysis, therefore we decided toinclude the trailer instead. Additioally, you can clip on the IMBd link to find out what directly from the audience, what they think feel the age rating should be, as well as in depth descriptions of and gore, swearing etc that features in each film.


The Exorcist

The Conjuring

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