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After Brainstorming some ideas, we where stuck on 4 titles:


Going Down


After Hours

Doors Closing


Therefore we decided to create a survey and send it to people withing our target audience to see what theyfelt about the names and how likely they would be to watch them.

For "Doors Closing", our audience felt this mainly sounded like a thriller, with Horror coming in second.This is good as this is the sort of genre we were aiming for however we would like the result to be prodominently horror so that people know instantly what they are watching, and so we decided not to choose this film title.

"After Hours" seemed to create some confusion , with people thinking it falls into a variety of different genres. Horror, however, was the most popular which is what we were aiming for. Thriller, action and crime where all selected as well which is not too bad as the film could loosley fall into some of these categries and this may attract a wider audience. Additionally, at the beginning of the film we do play about with a romance story and so the fact that the audience could recognise from this title that there is a love story within the film made us want to choose this title more. Therefore, although our short film is predominantly a horror film as the audience recognised, it could also be seen as a hybrid genre too.

This is the sort of thing we were hoping for with a clear winner, however this may reduce our audience. If many people think it is a horror, they may be turned off. 

Finally, the title "Going Down" is one we feel we should avoid as many people felt it sounded like a romance film. As we are doing a horror, and only include romance as a hybrid genre we dont want our audience being misled and hence attracting the wrong audience. For this reason wer will not be using this as our title.

Deciding on a Film Title

The Survey

Question 1 Response

Question 2 Response

Question 3 Response

Question 4 Response

Question 5 Response

Question 6 Response

Question 7 Response

Question 8 Response

'What Film genre do you think a film called 'Doors Closing' would fall into?' 

'What do you think a film titled 'Doors closing' would be about?'

'What genre do you think a film called 'After Hours' would fall into?'

'What do you think a film called 'After Hours' would be about?'

From our audience response we could recognise that the film would be set later at night and before watching the film would be able to anticipate that something bad is going to happen. Some of the responses also recongised from the title that two people would be meeting at night, which we were pleased with as this would enable us to shock the audience more when they find out that the two characters, although planning to meet, never actually get to due to mysterious circumstances.

'What genre do you think a film called 'Floors' would fall into?'

'What do you think a film titled 'Floors' would be about?'

As you can see from these audience responses, their vision of a film is mostly completely different to what our film is actually about. Some of the audience recognised it was about lifts however struggled to figure out what it was actually about which may have put audiences off watching it and so we decided not to choose this title.

'What Genre do you think a film called 'Going Down would fall into?'

What do you think a film titled 'Going Down' would be about?'

 Finally as you can see from these responses, the title 'Going Down' would not have been the correct choice for our film as many of the audience appeared to think the story was about something completely different to what it actually is about.

After careful consideration from research from other horror films and from researching audience reponses to the titles we had narrowed it down to the title 'After Hours' as people could most recognise that this was a horror film whilst also allowing us to keep some mystery and enigma surrounding the happenings of the film

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