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We first sketched a man with half of his face burned. We liked the idea of creating this effect as it can look quite scary. This would involve one of his eyes being completely covered up or make to look burned. Although this would have looked very effective, it didnt fit in with out story line as our charcter would not have been in a fire. Also, we didnt feel it was scary enough for our film. This idea therefore was quickly dismissed by our group.

This was an idea based on "The Smiling Man", a short film we watched in our research, as well as some images we found on google. We really liked the idea of him having to smile forever, even when committing sinsiter acts, as it is a very creepy concept. We also planned to make his eyes really big and dark, almost in a crazed state. This is the idea we feel we are going to use as it follows our plot of a man that has gone crazy after being trapped in a lift.

The idea behind this make-up was that when the character went crazy in the lift, he resorted to self harm, which is why he has scratches all over his face. We wanted him to look more angry with a more serious face. However, we didn't feel this had the same crazy effect that the previous design had. We kept the darkened black eyes because we really like how they look, however we think we will focus more on the smiling aspect.

Our final idea was one that incorperated both the smiling aspect and the scratches. This, we feel, will be the most like our final productas we want to make sure he has the creepy smile, but we also want to incorperate the scratches onto him. The only thing we would change is to put less scratches on him. Also, this drawing doesn't display the dark, deep set eyes that we want our character to have, therefore we will incorperate this into the actual make-up.

Make Up

Here is the research and planning we did into effects makeup. After researching similar products we found that many of the antagonists had theatrical make-up to make them seem very scary. We wanted to use this convention in our film and asked a friend who was very good at effects make-up to help us out. Despite innitailly agreeing to this, we were unable get our filming schedueles to match up with the make-up artist, and  therefore we decided to do it ourselves. To get an idea of what we needed and the skills required we relentlessly searched the internet, in paticular youtube tutorials, to help us out. 



Our Ideas - Burned Face

Our Ideas - Smiling Man

Our Ideas - Scratched Face

Our Ideas - Scratched, Smiling Face

We looked at quite a few videos on how to create different horror make-up so we had a varied range of ideas to help us when deciding on what kind of make up we wanted our character to have. Here are some of the tutorials that helped and inspired us the most:

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