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The title for the film 'Friday The 13th' was appropriate to analyse because of the genre. As we are creating a horror film ourselves it was important to look at some typical conventions in previous horror film titles. Whats most striking about this title is the colour red and  the ombre from darker red to a much more vibrant shade of red. We thought this was effective as red connotes danger and/or blood which is appropriate for the genre of the film.This title is also in capital letters which not only makes it easier to read but infers the importance of the words. Using capital letters will be something we think about when creating our film title.


The title for 'The Eye' is against a dark blue/black background which really makes the white font stand out and become easy to read. However, there is a slight fade in the bottom right corner which blurs the text slightly. This is an interesting way to represent the background picture and the title as one. Like 'Friday The 13th', the text uses capital letters, but in this title the lettering connects seamlessly. This is due to the basic font and the strong white at the top of the title.

'The Conjuring' is another horror film we investigated for our research. The title for this film is extremely bold and clear with the bright white font being against the dark background. The lettering is also in all capital letters which really makes the title stand out against the rest of the poster.For this title there is little spacing between the lettering along with the word 'The' on the top line connectingwith 'Conjuring' on the bottom. 'The' is also slightly smaller to show which word is more important in the title. From looking at this title we can thinjk about the spacing between our lettering in our own title.

Just as the previous two film titles, 'Mama', uses a white font for the title, however, it appears as more of an off white. This could be exaggerated by the red/brown dark background which is creating a cream coloured cast upon the font. This film title uses capital letters which have large spacing between each letter. This cotrasts with the conventions in the other film titles so far, which all seem to be close together or connecting. This font also appears to have a slight glow arounf each letter, which is quite modern and challenges the conventions of usual horror film titles.

Similar to 'Friday The 13th', 'Mirrors' uses a red tone to present the film title. Again, this infers danger and/or blood, appropriate for the genre. Just as the other films, this film uses a simple, easy to read text, in capitals which makes the title stand out against the black background. This film title is particularly interesting because of the reflection of the letter 'R'. This is a very clever way of presenting the film title as the film is about mirrors and reflections and so the ausdience can already begin to understand just from the look of the film title.

'Sinister' is the only film title to be written in black so far. This is because the background to the film poster is a white/grey colour and so Black font is what stands out against this better than a white text. Again the text is in capital letters and are quite spaced out compared to other titles. Whats also different about this title is the shadowing behind the letters that is much more modern and cretes a 3D effect on the title. This effect could be something we think about sing when creating our film title.


The modern style of the film title for 'Carrie' is what is eye catching and refreshing. The text is white with a black and red sheen oer the top to make the text look almost metalic and 3D. However, it still contains elements of older conventions like the clear, easy to read font and the capital letters spaced quite far apart. The 'C' in this title is much bigger than the rest of the font to represent the capital letter needed because 'Carrie' is a name. The text is on a dark red and black background which makes the darker parts of the text look to be faded into the background but the lighter parts of the text stand out.

'The Crazies' film title is oviously for a horror film. This is infered from the vivid red font which connotes danger/blood which is also almost spraying from the text almost like blood. As the text is on a dark background it appears even brighter and more intense. This particular font is almost like stencil lettering that is beginning to fade. As seen used for the film title 'The Conjuring', te word 'The' in this title is also much smaller and on a different line to the bolder word 'Crazies'. This emphasises the importance of one word compared to the other. This title is the only one so far to have sans serif font, all the others use a serif font which appears to soften the look of the title compared to 'The Crazies'.


'Dead Silence' is a very interesting, modern style film title. It features typical conventions such as the capital letters that have wide spacing and the white font which stands out against the dar background. Just like above, this film  title has a word on two lines, however, both of these words are the same size and stly. This represents how the words are equally important. Each letter is repeated behind tself with a lower opacity and much more blurred. This is a perfect effect for a horror film as it creates a distorted, unusual look to the title.


Typically red on a black background, the title for the film 'The Exorcist' features a lot of typical conventions for horror film titles. The text is in capital letters and a clear font. The spacing between the lettering is very close together but isnt quite touching, almost as if the letters are that close that they are tormenting eachother. With both words on the same line we can infer that they are both as important as eachother.

Film Title Research

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