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For our short filmwe needed some sound effects that would have been difficult for us to film ourselves. Therefore, we looked on youtube to find the sound effects we felt fit in with our film and made the overall sound work much better. Because of legal reasons, we choose sound effects that where copyright free and free for public use. 

For our scenes with the office, we decided we needed some ambient sounds that just had things like typing and talking in it. This would make it seem more realistic and like a real, busy work place. We felt this one was the best so decided to use this one in our film. It worked the best with what we had filmed and wasnt too loud or over powering. Additionally, we felt we could use this on a loop if the clip wasnt long enough and it wouldnt be noticable to the audience.

This one we looked at we felt didnt fit in with what was happening in the film. Also, it had a very loud shuffling sound that was quite prominent in the clip. As we didnt have anything that would justify that sound in our film, we felt it was best not to use it.

This sound effect we really didnt like as we felt it focused on particular sounds as different points in the clip. For example, at the begining there is typing however it is very loud and then just disappears. Following this is the sound of a fax machine which again is really loud and is focused on for too long. Additionally, we felt there was a lot of random noises that where indistinquishable.

Finally, we didn't think this clip was suitable for our film as there is a constant phone ringing in the background that went unanswered. We didnt feel this was an accurate representation of an office and therefore didnt want to use this clip in our film.

There is a section in the begining of our film where we have a close up of a ticking clock. For this reason, we felt it was relevent to have a prominent clock ticking in the sound. We chose this clip as we feel it was the most simple and effective with no other noise in the background. Also, when we put this clip into our film, it matched perfectly with the ticking of our clock. When we pared this with the ambient office sounds it worked really well and was subtle yet noticable.

In a simerlar way to how we used the clock, we used the sound of typing on a keyboard to match a close up of hands typing. We choose this clip for the same reasons as the clock, because it was the most effective and fit our clip perfectly. It was difficult to find a clip that matched the typing speed of our actress, however we feel this is really effective and is in time.

We choose this clip because

We wanted something that had a little bit of an upbeat souns as this would create a juxtaposition against the harsh horror that would follow getting into the lift.

This music was far too upbeat and cheesy for our film. Although we did need typical elevator music, we didnt feel this had the right tone to it all. This one was quickly dismissed and it was too chirpy for a horror film.

Again, this music was very cheesy and too stereotypical for our film. We did want something that souned like lift music, however we felt this was too cliched.

Sound Effects

Office Sounds

What We Used

What We Didn't Use

Other Sound Effects We Used

Elevator Music

What We Used

What We Didn't Use

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